
Technology & our Clubs


What Technology are we using @ KcEY,

Below is a list of various software and services that are being used

How do we best lever the changing & updating technology around us, to run our clubs and help the children of the world.

This a much discussed, as people in general simply do not like to change. Habits diehard.

Which Main Elements of Techology are Division 9 Clubs using

At a recent DCM, the Caucus gave some direction as to which piece of technology they would to concentrate on

Club Dashboard

Website & Social Media


Online Storage and sharing

Web Conferencing

Not Discussed but implied since

Required by Kiwanis International

Kiwanis Reporting 

- Assumes the use of a Internet connection & a Browser, (for ex. Internet Explorer, Chrome, MS EDGE, Firefox)

Your can access the Club Reporting tools directly from anywhere on the web, or  by going through Portalbuzz

Kiwanis Portals to access or report information

Kiwanis International

Kiwanis also has had a long term relationship with Portalbuzz, which it is now slowly getting out of. KI is moving to providing all of these services themselves

EC&C District

Kiwanis Division 9

Some of these sites may limited access to members or specific users

Software Suggested by KI

Club Communications

Club Email

Regular communication with your club members is vital to keeping them engaged and interested. There are several email providers who make it easy to upload the Kiwanis template, add your words and images and send to your club.

Recommended Email Providers (We presume they mean mass emailing, it at the KI or District level)


Digital Tools, Clubs use to Communicate in our world


Communication tools:

Managing Individual Member Email Addresses

This has been an ongoing problem, as members become more familiar with email and evolve to newer systems

Web Conferencing

This is happen around us and is changing as we write

The Common tools available to club

Other Tools, used by various business & Organizations

On Line Storage Services

Clubs are shifting to storing club materials online

The most common of these are

General Office Productivity

Most people use Microsoft office software somewhere in their business or home life

More and more people use, Google docs, etc, because are free and can be shared among other people